800-866-6131  OR  603-374-6131   A Romantic Country Inn surrounded by New Hampshire's White Mountain National Forest  
  Welcome to Notchland Inn, a romantic country inn located in New Hampshire's White Mountains  
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Are your dates flexible? Use the calendar below to search for availability that works for you!
  • Use the navigation buttons to move forward (and back) in time so you can see when we have availability.
  • Found dates with availability? Click on the calendar below or enter them above to find available rates!
  • An asterisk (*) indicates nights that may have rate restrictions or special requirements.
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Phone: (603) 374-6131 or (800) 866-6131    Fax: (603) 374-6168     E-mail: innkeepers@Notchland.com     www.Notchland.com
Address: 2 Morey Road (off Route 302), Hart's Location, NH 03812

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