Reservations are available online up to 355 days in advance.
Weekly stays are required between Memorial Day and Labor Day.
Please call 218-732-5480 or email for shorter stay options or last minute availability.

Insider Notes...    Check out the weeks of August 17th and August 24th for some great Summer openings still available!
Looking for an extended vacation? Starting August 24th stay 9 nights / 10 days for the same price as a week!  Additional nights after Sept. 2nd are $180-$200/night.


Step 1 of 4
1 Dates
2 Accommodations
3 Enhancements
4 Confirmation

Your Selections

Are your dates flexible? Use the calendar below to search for availability that works for you!
  • Use the navigation buttons to move forward (and back) in time so you can see when we have availability.
  • Found dates with availability? Click on the calendar below or enter them above to find available rates!
  • An asterisk (*) indicates nights that may have rate restrictions or special requirements.