Reservations are available online up to 355 days in advance.
Weekly stays starting and ending on Saturday are required between Memorial Day and Labor Day.
Please call 218-732-5480 or email for shorter stay options or last minute availability.

Insider Notes... Little Norway Resort Opens May 23rd - Start Your Search There!
Looking for a getaway right after school is out? Check out May 31st to June 7th and enjoy reduced Spring Rates too!
July and August are booking fast: Openings still Available July 12th, July 26thAug. 9th, and Aug. 16th.


Step 1 of 4
1 Dates
2 Accommodations
3 Enhancements
4 Confirmation

Your Selections

Are your dates flexible? Use the calendar below to search for availability that works for you!
  • Use the navigation buttons to move forward (and back) in time so you can see when we have availability.
  • Found dates with availability? Click on the calendar below or enter them above to find available rates!
  • An asterisk (*) indicates nights that may have rate restrictions or special requirements.